Monday, June 21, 2010

Weekend in Review

It was hhhhoooottt this weekend. I went for a little roadtrip down do South of the Border on Saturday. Bought some fireworks and did some picture taking. Seems like an area I need to head back to when it is cooler and do some heavy picture taking for Fading America. Lots of small towns with some pretty neat things that fit the theme pretty good.

Yesterday I went grocery shopping at Wally World. Bought a blender so I can make some smoothies. I figured I would also give a shot at my own salsa and hot sauce. My cayenne peppers are just starting to turn red and the banana peppers are doing fine. I went out to the big farmers market yesterday and bought peaches, blueberries, blackberries, cherries and corn.
Will make some type of smoothie with the fruit.

Today is the summer solstice. Celebrate Mother Earth and show her some love.


Anonymous said...

Smoothies sound good; it is 1:45pm and already 90.

We don't have a Buddhist temple but we have a new Muslim center and mosque.

Happy Midsummer Day!

Mark said...

Summer temps are in full swing.

I need to find out more about what goes on here.