Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blue Skies

A little blue here today. Looks like rain, again. However they are saying winds with gusts around 50 mph tonight and tomorrow. Gust 60 to 70 in the mountains. Crazy.
Have to get car insurance today. Should be a few hundred dollars cheaper than it was in Tampa. If that is case I'll be happy. That is a nice savings. Not much else is happening right now.
I think I will stop by Home Depot on the way home and look at some paint for that one wall.
I have narrowed it down to a light yellow, light gray or a light green. I think I'll get a couple samples and to some test areas and then decide.
That is it for today.


Anonymous said...

The seasons are changing and there will be wind and unsettled weather for awhile. It seems to affect areas near the mountains the most. Luckily, we ain't in tornado alley.

Good luck with the paint; bare sheet rock looks good to me.

Tammy said...

Can't wait to see your pictures of N.C. summers... beautiful flowers, trees, and church buildings which I'm sure you'll find plenty to shoot. We went to Groveland this weekend. There is quite the Mexican population there and in the downtown area there is this quaint shop which sells Mexican art and "gifts" and prounces to have a medium on staff to "read your fortune." You would have taken a photo of it, just your style.