Saturday, December 4, 2010

Take it with a grain of salt

Hell yea, its snowing. If I had a girlfriend I would like to go out and have a quickie in the snow.

Went to the farmers market this morning and bought olive bread, eggs, farmers cheese (goat), purple and yellow cauliflower, and freshly ground coffee. I loveeeeeeeeee the smell of freshly roasted and freshly ground coffee. With my shitty sense of smell it is one of the things I can smell quite easily and I love it. Makes me happy.

Think I'll brew some coffee and go sit outside on my porchette, I call it that because it is so tiny, and enjoy the coffee in the snow.

Maybe I'll watch some dvd's of Dexter this afternoon and clean the apt. I saw the dust bunnies get into a fight last night. Figured that was a sign.

This has to be one of the coolest Xmas songs out there. Robert Earl Keene rocks.


Anonymous said...

I love this video.

We buy whole-bean coffee from Amazon and grind it; you are right; nothing smells better of the morning.

We are having a little bit of all kinds of precip.; snow, fog, rain, and sleet. Just waiting for dew and frost to finish off a beautiful day.

Tammy said...

sounds like a good way to freeze your peeps, sex in the snow. you sound like to be in a good mood. I am glad. are you going to put a little tree up? a rosemary bush or something? Mike's xmas party tonight. Not much else going on here.