Friday, December 17, 2010


Well it's Friday. The countdown is on and the mad rush to mail packages is in full force. I will join that rush tomorrow.

Super foggy this morning, Temps reaching the 40's today.

Ten years of war and we are no better off than when we began. Stop this crap and bring home the soldiers. The people of this country are sick of it all. Spend that money here doing something meaningful.

Ok, I got nothing else. Sorry. Maybe I'll have something after work.


Anonymous said...

The Taliban is still strong; the terrorists are still in business, Afghan civilians and our troops are still being killed. When will we ever learn ... ?

Tammy said...

back when Sir Elton made decent music.
These yellow "support your troopes" ribbons make me want to scream. Really? how many of you really have supported them? sent any gift packages out, etc? Then tsk tsk us for being against the war and not being supportive. Christmas w/my family tomorrow.