Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Gone

Well we got a little over 2 inches of snow Saturday, Now its all gone. Just warm enough yesterday to melt it all away. It was nice while it lasted. Really did not do much yesterday. A low key Sunday for sure.

Hope the Carta family enjoyed the Christmas party. My Saturday evening was spent watching Dexter on dvd. It is a really great show. Check it out if you have Netflix.

Need to take so aspirin. Have a nice little sinus headache this morning.

My nephew was mugged by three Mexicans at gunpoint on campus Friday night. He did not call the campus police. I told him he should since it may be happening to others on campus. Scared the crap out of him.

Have a happy Monday.

Picture from the Droid X of a sidestreet in downtown Greensboro.


Tammy said...

Dang I hope nephew is ok. Why didn't he report it? The xmas party was a dud. We should have stayed home but I felt it may have been a good idea for Mike to make the effort. The people he works with didn't venture out of their cliques to speak to anybody other than their chosen ones. Baby its cold outside. Got my space heater right next to my desk in order to keep the fingers warm enough to type. I'm trying to avoid using the heat. onward to work. We are busy now but once the week of xmas gets here the docs will be taking off and I'll be not working Im sure. have a good week. Blueberries are on sale this week and I thought of you when I got 2 packs.

Anonymous said...

Downer. Glad nephew didn't play the brave man and get himself hurt.

It is 25F here and snowing a bit.

Have a good week!

Mark said...

He is fine. He is scared in case they live on campus. I bet they live in the hoods of New Britian.

Bummer on the party.

Cold here, 26F, but really damm windy and that is the real killer when you step outside.

We are not slowing down at all. Very good, but also very strange.
Something in the air perhaps.

Blueberries good.