Tuesday, December 7, 2010


66 years ago today the world began its major change and while the war was won by the right side one has to wonder if the governments of the world learned a god dam thing.

The world is all about power and control of its people. It seems we have learned nothing from war. If they control the people, they control the money.

Here is a list of the folks who got bailed out by the feds.
Nice list. Where are the little people?



Tammy said...

This hurts my heart.

Mark said...

Sorry Tammy.

Tammy said...

It is an important reminder of how so many are suffering. I have no problems this day.

Anonymous said...

More Bush/Obama failures. Jeez, look atv AIG! Not a cent repaid. The small banks are crying foul, but all that wanted money got quite a bit.

Mark said...

It is crazy how much money was given out. Many of the small banks were actually forced to take the loans even if they did not want it.
