Friday, December 10, 2010

Rocking your Friday

Wake up with Rammstein. These guys are from Germany. I have this album and it rocks quite a bit. No I do not understand any German.

Its Friday. Decent weather for the weekend. Looks like a cold front will be moving in on Monday with lows around 17. I want snow to go with the cold.

Christmas shopping will be finished tomorrow. Then wrap and mail it off.

I see the a-holes from the Westboro Church are going to protest at Elizabeth Edwards funeral. I am all about free speech, but these people are just plain ignorant. These folks are really a bunch of media seeking whores who have some odd God they believe in. We should send the address of their church to the Taliban. :)

Did you see the students riot in England? Triple college costs so they can not afford to go. Nice way for the government to control and shape the future by limiting education. I want to see the passion of those students here in the U.S.


Anonymous said...

Good video. The front man seems to be a mix of Ozzy, Freddy Mercury, and Bowzer. Pretty cool.

We in the USA are too civilized (chicken shit) to riot like the Europeans and S. Koreans do. We learned our lesson in 1968 Chicago.

We have winter storm watch out for Sun. night and Mon.

Anonymous said...

I asked my son, a metal head, if he knew this band. He laughed and asked me if you speak German. He said you should translate some of their lyrics; they are a Death Metal band. :-)