Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hell Yeah

Am I ever ready for a three day weekend. Nothing planned. Maybe I'll go house hunting.

The President still has not called me and offered me the job. I am a little saddened by this as the economy is in such a odd state. It needs my help. If we do nothing about fuel prices and the continuing rise in the price of gas then the economy will fail to heal itself. We also need to understand that the job market is not going to get much better for a long long time. Companies have realized they can do without all the help they have shed over the last few years. If we want to put people back to work then we, as a nation, need to make a commitment to fixing the infrastructure of the United States. Roads, bridges, utility pipes, water pipes and so on are in dire shape. We could commit to fixing everyone of these issues over a ten year time span, there a lot to fix, and that would have a massive effect on unemployment.

Lastly for today. Unemployment, official numbers, is about 10%. That means there is 90% employment and that number is very good. We need to realize that every person can not have a job. That means we need to live within our means. That means companies should pay their employees a living wage and employees before stockholders.

Going to get my oil changed today and see about getting tires and rotors tomorrow morning. The truck is getting old and deserves some presents for the New Year.

President Obama I am waiting.


Anonymous said...

We need to start a "MarkSevignyforPresident" blog to get all your political philosophies together, say a Q. & A. type thing.

Good pic; nice collection of signs.

Mark said...

Well that would be an interesting blog. It would raise a few eyebrows.