Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yesterday post needs a little a followup. Due to the way we are raised, the things we learn from people around us and what we learn through all sorts of media it is not easy to fight racist feelings, feelings of ill towards others not like you. These are not natural feelings and this is best viewed in the very young when you see kids play with other children of all different types.
We are all guilty of this. What we need to remember is that we are all human beings and we all deserve the same things. In the United States we do not even take care of our own anymore. How in this country is it acceptable for us to have so many homeless, so many living in unacceptable conditions, let people become sick and die because they can not get medical care, to let people go hungry, to have the largest population of its own citizens in prison. These things are not acceptable and much of this is due to no compassion for others, it is due to racism and ignorance.
Like I said it is not easy and it is a fight to try to stay on the right path. The external forces of media are very strong and one must fight to do what you know is right. A simple little test is what do you think when you see the same homeless guys at the intersection each and everyday.
Does it bother you, do you think they are faking it, do you wish they would just go away, do you look at them, give them some money once in a while. Do you think the same if you see a woman or child at that location instead of a man. Not so easy.
I bet if we all took time and gave some time to help some disadvantaged group of people that we would find a new piece in our heart and we would get as much out of it as the people we were helping.
It really is time for "We the people" to step up to the plate because the government will never do the things that need to get done because the people with money are the ones that are in control. Change starts from the bottom. Many voted for change with Obama and many are so silently dissapointed. We should have known better.
My Russian honey asked me to Western Union here $950.00 today so that she can come here.
She needs it by Thursday or else she can not come. She is taking everything right out of the scam playbook. I'll have to work on how this is going to end. I think I am going to send her all over Moscow to different offices. I will not fall for the scam and I need to make her get a little pissed since she thinks I am a damm fool. Then I am going to post her letters, pictures and her alleged passport on the internet. There will be no COMPASSION for her. Funny how that works.


Anonymous said...

American's are a victim of their freedom; at least their perceived freedoms. I am afraid there will be another Civil War fought in this country because it is more divided right now than it was in 1860 when there was a clear-cut issue. Now, extremists are driving wedges into every crack of civil law and morals. As your photo infers, equal opportunity is all that will save us.

There goes the last hope for Russian-American cooperation. ;-)

Mark said...

I see trouble brewing. How it works out is anyones guess. Things do not look good. Although his radio show is very left, even for me, Dave Marsh, the music critic, has some very interesting views and takes on the American political system. He is only on Sirius and that is a bummer. If you ever get a chance you need to listen to his show. Sundays from 2-5. Radically good.