I think I may do a photo book and enter it into a contest. I was looking through PDN magazine and saw that Photography Now and Blurb are having a contest where you can win $25,000 as the grand prize. You produce a photobook and submit it and it gets reviewed by a jury and they select a winner in three different categories. It is a long shot for me, but you never know.
I just need to figure out a theme and get going on this. Time is short.
The doctor thinks my headaches are tension headaches and wants me to try some different things to make them go away. He suggested meditation, yoga or therapy. No drugs.
One last thing. Fix that fucking oil leak, assholes. How can it be going on this long. Makes me wonder what type of oil leaks have happened on land away from prying eyes.
A streetside living room in Asheville. There was more than this but somebody saw something they like.
That book idea is already off to a good start; you surely have some great pics for it. Today's photo would be a good inclusion.
Unusual for a doctor to not start throwing meds at a problem. You may have one who really cares about your health.
There's a Facebook page for plugging the well with BP execs.
Well I am going to submit something for the contest. Not sure how many pictures to submit.
I'll do some checking around and see what I find for tips.
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