Tuesday, May 4, 2010


This is one of the baby goats at the diary. They would stick their head through the fence so you could feed them hay. They also have very interesting eyes. You could actually see they were thinking and wondering about what was going on.
I wonder how bad the oil spill is. Hard to gauge what is going on since there is really very little real news being given. It does seem that it might be as bad as has been expected.
My pepper plants have little flowers.
I want to get a golden retriever. There are a couple golden retriever rescues around here. I would get an older one. Something to think about.


Tammy said...

Baby goats are so sweet and trusting. Timmy has triplets right now.. all white like your photo. We fed them bottles when we were visiting. I hope your peppers do well. I haven't got bugs in the garden yet. I think in part to the wrens who scavenge there every day for the babies. But alas, last night something got them and the babies are no more. My heart hurts.

Anonymous said...

About everyone over here names their goats "Democrat" because they are so smelly.

The oil spill will probably be much worse than the Valdez thing. Anyway, it is God's fault and there is nothing BP could have done to prevent it.

Good luck with the peppers and retriever; dogs are nice people to be around.

Mark said...

Too bad about the wrens. I figured they were safe at this point.

All the plants are doing well right now.

The oil spill was bound to happen at some point. It would be nice if we really had an idea of the truth.