Friday, April 23, 2010


Looks like a decent amount of rain this weekend. Hopefully it holds off during the day tomorrow. I am going to the Herb Fest in the morning and see what cool herbs I can find.
I want some things that have a great scent. Mints for sure. Then in the early afternoon I am going to go to the Liberty Antiques show. This is a twice a year show. All antiques, no new items or crafts. I want to see if I can find something to put my plants on. Sunday is the pottery show.
The great thing is herbs are cheap, I do not pay a lot for antiques and I look for great deals on pottery.
A couple weeks ago I went to a little pottery show and bought this tall jar with a lid. This potter had this jar I liked and when I picked it up and looked at the tag it said $2.00. It thought it was mismarked. I asked the guy "is this right" and if it was correct why just $2.oo. He said it was right and was going to put free on it. The reason, he did not like the lid. It is not perfectly tight but it is more than adequate. I bought it. Now I am using it for my coffee. It looks good on the counter and it is better than any $2.oo container you will ever get at the store.
Picture was taken at Zion National Park. This is a park I really want to go back and visit. Very beautiful. Also very very hot during the summer. The great thing about this park is that you are at the bottom looking up. Most of the parks in the area have you at the top looking down. There are streams and waterfalls, deer and other great wildlife. Very cool place.


Tammy said...

I got some orange mint and it grows very well and is delightful. Wish I could go with you. guess it will be a while before you have vacation time built up to see some of your favorite places, gives you time to plan, hey? have a good weekend Mark. We saw a bobcat in the backyard last night just before twilight.. he/she was beautiful and stopped for a sniff at my compost pile (probably a good place to find mauradering critters). I liked your previous blog and thought of it often throughout my day. Hug a tree and pick up some trash people.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are going to have a great weekend. The antique show sounds good, but I know nothing about herbs.

Zion is another of the place I want to see, along with the painted desert.

Tammy is a new mom! She is now the Wren Goddess as well as the Butterfly Goddess.

Have a good weekend!

Mark said...

Orange mint soumds very interesting. I'll check it out if they have some. I get no real vacation time until next year. I'll have to make due with holiday weekends. A bobcat, now that is cool. I would have love to have seen that.

This weekend should be good while the weather holds out.

Get Carolyn to retire amd go on some trips. It will be good for you to go out and see what you can. You can do it relatively cheap with some good planning.

The world could use a few more Tammy's.

Tammy said...

I'm working on how to get a good photo of the wrens. they are cute as only a mother could recognize. Bald, blind, and nothing but beak. Thanks for all the love.