Why should corporations be allowed to patent the genes in your body and then control how medical research and medical decisions are made in relation to that gene.
Why should corporations be allowed to patent seeds?
Why do corporations have the same rights as an individual?
Why do local governments continually give tax breaks to corporations to move into their community? They should be paying the bulk of taxes and if a tax break is actually needed it should go to the citizens of the community.
Why have we forgotten the it is "Government for the People, by the People". We need to start demanding the government does what we want and need them to do, not what corporate America wants. We need to take actual action, not just sit back and wonder what is going on.
We have Reagonomics ingrained in us for a generation now. The trusts will have to be busted one way or another; but I fear it will be the "another" when we finally fall flat on our faces.
Upside-down peace for sale?
Maybe things will change in a year or two with the next economic downturn.
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