Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well it was a great game last night. I just wish Butler had won. Both teams played very well.

I found a great bookstore in Boone on Sunday. I posted the three new books I bought on Shelfari. Boone was very cool. Weather was great and there were lots of people out and about.

Need to get the DMV book so I can take my NC drivers license test this week. Then I have to get my truck inspected. What a waste of time. If you have no points on your license you should be able to transfer the thing. You also can not make an appointment and have to wait in line forever.

Miners have a brutal job. You would think the corporations would do all they can to make the mines safe. Seems they can avoid big fines and continue bad practices. Yet they continue to get away with the same problems. A non-union mine.


Tammy said...

good luck with the DMV Natzis. what is with those people anyhow?
Mining is a tough job for sure. My great grandfather was a coal miner in Pennsylvania back in the day. my grandmother used to tell stories about the men trudging home from work with their lunch buckets, dirty as the pit of hell, and always with that cough. She had a yellow canary as a child.. for good luck she said. It still sounds like a tough job. I feel for the families waiting for their news.
good luck with your DL test.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you will catch hell at work over the mighty Devils.

I'm going to try again to link to you on Shelfari; you've got some good books.

Boone is a great little town.

I think I will rant about the miners situation. Trying to cool down a little before I do ...

Mark said...

I can not imagine being a coal miner.

The bookstore was pretty cool and Boone was pretty nice. Need to go back and soend a little more time there.