Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rain Rain

They were singing backup on the video I posted yesterday. This is a Hank Williams song.

Looks like more rain over the next few days. Maybe I am not going to the concert this weekend.
The plants are though.

Might go to an Occupy thing tonight about mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex.

Tammy, it happened again in Cali. Staying put this time. UUgghh.

Gots to go people.


Anonymous said...

Good song wee performed.

Our JC Occupy is getting a bit sassy lately but not many people are participating or caring.

Tammy said...

Beautiful harmonies from these ladies. Damn that kid. Thinking of you guys as you navigate these waters. We'll talk soon. Mike promised to take me to the beach on Saturday. I can't take any more grief, sadness, responsibility or anybody needing anything from me for a while. I need to play.

Mark said...

Yea I thought their vocals were pretty damm good.

Occupy here is really focusing on illegal foreclosures.

If the weather hold holds out hippies and music for me Saturday.