Monday, April 2, 2012


Doc visit was good. He is happy with the leg and not sure about my wrist. I am getting a brace for it.

Parents are doing well. Leaving today for Ct.

Lawnmower is fixed. Leaks are stopped. Bought flowers, perrenials, for the yard so I do not have to mow in some places.

Another day older and deeper in debt.

Gotta run. Spend a few with my parents before they go.


Tammy said...

Happy Birthday Markie. Glad we can celebrate another one together. Hope your visit with the parents was good; it sounds like your dad was busy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Glad you had a good visit with your parents.

Mark said...

Thank you my dear friends.

All of us need to get together and have a few drinks, soon.

Dad was a little busy but terribly so.