Monday, August 23, 2010


A fairly quiet weekend overall. Saturday I did head over to Saxapahaw and had lunch/dinner then watched Holy Ghost Tent Revival for the first hour of the show and then headed home. A great locals event with  a large crowd. Nice time.

Yesterday I went for a little drive and got a few pictures. Stopped in at an antique shop and bought a couple tintype photographs. Nice day overall. You can tell the very beginning of fall is coming as the mornings are decent and humidity is not so bad. Ready for some cooler weather.

Quote of the day:

"How can we have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism."   Howard Zinn

Picture is of my parents house before the porch was repainted and flowers put in the front.


Anonymous said...

Your parents live in a picture-perfect house ... and you are homesick. Understandable with Mike and Tammy in Conn.

This weather is awesome but autumn is definitely in the air.

Mark said...

The house is on a main road and quite often people stop and take pictures of the house when flowers and the flag adorn the front.

I am happy autumn is in the air.