Monday, August 9, 2010

Hold on

Hold on folks the politics in this country as going to start to turn very ugly. With Senator Jefferson Sessions, yes his first name is Jefferson, not Jeff, and others on the right calling for repeal or changes to the 14th amendment, the gay marriage challenge added to everything else going on you will begin to see the right as the party of the white bigoted haters they really are. It is not going to be pretty I assure you.

Brush up on your civics lessons of the past and read the Constitution, the Amendments and Bill of Rights.
It will help you understand what is coming down the road.

Not a bad weekend. Did not do a whole bunch really. Just messed around a little each day.

Picture is from Crater Lake, on July 5th. The road around the top of the lake had just been cleared of snow for those who wanted to take that journey. As you can guess that road is closed for much of the year.


Tammy said...

you know my cousin Leesa in Missouri (Uncle Paul's daughter) is a lesbian. I've been talking to her a lot lately and just Friday we talked about this California business and the hatred some folks have about the gay marriage thing. It is certainly interesting to have her perspective on it, although she is a person before she is a gay woman and views certainly change from person to person. She is seeing a gal that she really loves and just ended a 10 year relationship... gee not much different than a man/woman type relationship is it? She simply realizes that she will never have the same rights as heterosexuals and told me that commitment is commitment regardless of whether the state sees you as married. she has a pretty good attitude about it and also feels that if "god" doesn't like her for who she sleeps with then they can talk about it at the pearly gates.

Anonymous said...

The good ol' boys will happily relinquish some of their hatred time from Mexicans for a crack at gays. I've had friends--some close friends--who were gay or lesbian or ac/dc or in complete sexual limbo and they were all just plain people. It will be the politicians who keep the thing going and not because they care one way or another but because it can give them a bully pulpit.

Mark said...

The problem is not your cousin's but the ignorance of others that she has to deal with.

Since marriage is a state sanctioned legal contract there is no reason the state should not make gay marriage legal. Since we have the seperation of church and state, for the most part, the opinion of the church holds no weight here. You can bet the rhetoric will be nasty and you will hear some of the most hateful words coming from our fellow americans.

If it does not happen now it will be years before it ever happens.

Politicains will be very careful in what they say once this starte moving along.

We need to remember this has nothing to do with religion.

My guess is 5-4 in favor.