Monday, August 30, 2010

Its Snot Friday

Had a great time yesterday. Went down to Salisbury and meet Autumn, a friend from high school. She actually was my brothers girlfriend during their freshman year. We had not seen each other since high school. She has a great group of friends who are artists and musicians so I felt pretty much at home. I am going down again in a couple weeks and they want me to bring some pictures. They think they can get me some gallery space. Sounds good to me.

Anyhow it was great to see Autumn and reconnect. It was like we had no missed a beat. I thought she lived on the Outer Banks but she lives on a little island of the South Carolina coast.

My parents always liked Autumn and she would stop in and see my Mom at the antique shop when she went back to Ct. So yesterday when my Mom called I had Autumn answer the phone and let them talk for a while.

Good time. I needed a day like yesterday. Busy work week then Asheville this weekend.


Tammy said...

Sounds like a pretty decent weekend. I hope the gallery space works out.

Mark said...

It was nice and enjoyable.

The gallery space would be nice.

Need to get some things mounted and matted.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get the gallery space; you have a great story to tell with your photos.

Mark said...

Work on pictures to bring begins tomorrow.