What an odd weekend of weather we had. In the sixties the last three mornings and it did not reach the eighties here. Saturday it rained very lightly all day long and then a few minutes of sun at the end of the day and yesterday cloudy all and and a few minutes of sun very late in the day.
It was nice to have the house opened up all weekend. From what I could tell I was the only one who had my windows and porch door open.
Went to the Carolina Shinefest yesterday and had an ok time. Did get to see a band called the "New Familiars" who I saw down in St. Pete last year. They are a rock, bluegrass fusion type of band. The two main singers also play electric guitar, mandolin, banjo, acoustic guitar and a resonator dobro style guitar. They are very good and were a good way to end the weekend.
Our store was broken into Friday night. The police caught the guy inside the store. He had gun magazines and snake boots already and who knows what else he may have wanted to take. The guns are in a vault so there is little chance he would have gotten those. I wish we used a different alarm company because he never would have gotten in. The people I recommended have an audio system that goes along with everything else and any odd sounds who have had them alert police. Since we have hurricane film on the window you have to work very hard to even break the glass. He never would have even gotten in the building.
The picture is of street artists in Asheville.
Good pic; you got a great pose. Put it in the contest!
Your other contest pic got two excellent ratings from at least one person.
Gawd; looks like a gun store would have the best alarm system on the market, but I guess it is like the video surveillance store that kept getting robbed; they didn't use their own best stuff.
Back in the mid-90's this week. :-(
Beats hell out of winter, though.
I love street artists. Passion for their art.
The hurricane should have worked.
They will be at the store in the morning to answer some questions.
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