Thursday, July 29, 2010

Treading on Glory

I can not wait until this week is over. We have been insanely busy and I still have things from Monday that I have not finished. Not how I like to work. I see no breaks coming today at all.
I went to Fuckmart last night to get my prescriptions and decided to pick up a few things in the grocery dept. Grabbed my few items and headed to the checkout. Went to the self checkout because as usual the other lines were to damm long. Had to wait forever because the register kept having problems. When I get my turn more problems. Before I even ring up anything or even do anything it says some crap about something in the bagging area. WTF. Then I go to scan item 1, nothing. Does not scan after several passes. Same for item two. Then it says call cashier to do some damm thing. Before that happens it clears itself but still does not scan any items. Meanwhile the line behind me is getting longer and the fucking cashier watching the registers is doing nothing. Finally I said not so quietly "Fuck this shit" and left the counter full of my stuff and walked out. The thing is every time I go to Fuckmart their self checkout registers NEVER fucking work right. Now the grocery store I go to "Harris Teeter" has the self checkouts and they have never had a problem, never. So just like much of the cheap crap Fuckmart sells they buy the crappiest registers for us to use. FIX THE FUCKING REGISTERS YOU ASSHOLES OR HIRE MORE GODDAMMED CASHIERS. CHEAP MOTHERFUCKERS.
This flag is on the grounds of the Guilford County Historical Society. It was early on a Saturday morning and was like this an hour later. Very odd.


Tammy said...

I like the "Ode to WalMart" this morning. and I agree. i think they keep the lines long to keep you in there longer. By the time I get to the register I am frothing at the mouth. We don't have self check outs in our WalMart. I'm ready for the week to end as well. My boss keeps sending me Republician propoganda cartoons and the like via email. very anti-OBama. I wonder why she is doing this? I hate those sorts of emails. I would like to tell her to shut up and do something to be involved other than spreading hate mail. sigh. Dance night for me, thankfully. my hour of release.

Mark said...

I think I will fire an email off to Walmart just to let them know what I think.

I'll find something for you to send back to her. It will be nice so you do not lose your job.

Have fun dancing...............

Anonymous said...

Waitmart could give a shit less if you, me, or ten thousand other people have to wait for crappy service. All the big chain stores have fewer employees to help customers. Used to be at Lowes and Home Despots blue and orange aprons were all over you asking if you need help; now you can hardly locate one who hasn't got a flock of needy customers surrounding him. Screw the hapless customer equals bigger profits; where can we go that is any better?

Looks like the rope to hoist the flag may be broken. Should be quickly fixed or the flag taken off the ground.

Anonymous said...

We need mom and pop stores!

Mark said...

Of course fuckmart can get away with it because they are the definition of anti-trust.

You maybe right on the flag rope.

I am all for Mom and Pop stores.
They have personality.