Saturday, October 8, 2011

You should be concerned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an ignorant twit. The fact that he would actually go public with a statement like like this means he is afraid of "We the People" stepping out and taking our nation back from corporations and the corrupt leaders they have paid for over the years. Cantor and others of his ilk just do not understand that Americans have had enough of being pushed around by big money and the harm they have created.

Be afraid we are taking back America and putting it in the hands of the working class.

Save the Post Office.

Fight The Power.

Gibsonville Fall Fest, Shakori Hills this weekend. Those two events and Occupy Wall Street make me giddy. Now a woman would make me complete,


Tammy said...

I'll send my positive energies for your female to find you this weekend... those 20 xanax could be gone by next weekend. enjoy it while you have it. I'll be getting more soon and may be able to help you out. where the f#8%6##K are my jars???? Off to the flea market. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Just as if corporate America has their arm shoved up his ass and working his mouth.

Mark said...

Great weekend. Weather was perfect both days. People were great at Shakori.

They are up his ass.