Thursday, October 6, 2011


The time has come and we will make change.
The people are no longer going to be dis-empowered, disenfranchised and most importantly disengaged.

I went to the Occupy Greensboro meeting tonight. 150 people or so. A good variety of people, all ages, races, opinions and passion. Local tv coverage.

Looks like the national Occupy day is going to be October 15th.

Great piece by Glenn Greenwald exposing Erin Burnett and her lack of objectivity as a financial news reporter and her bad mouthing Occupy Wall Street.

Doc visit Friday morning. Give me Xanax, Prednisone and sleeping pills. Thank you.
If not I am looking for a pill pushing doc.


Tammy said...

I'm glad you are going to these meetings and helping to educate the people- namely me. Hope you get your rx. I don't know why xanax is treated as such a big deal - I don't find it addictive in the least and find it pretty benign. have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think Oct. 15 will be the day; one of many, I hope.

Sam Cooke was very popular when I was courting; still love his stuff.

I use Xanax for sleeping pill; I ate 12mg last night and slept 9 hrs.