Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lech Walesa

I understand that Lech Walesa is heading to Occupy Wall Street. That will be a very interesting scene. I very well remember the strikes and how amazing they were at that time.

I may not Occupy Sunday as the leaves will be gone from the mountains within a week or so. I hear the colors are good this year.

I could have sworn I smelled gas upstairs this morning.

I am going to write myself in for Alderman in Gibsonville.


Tammy said...

Thanks for sharing this. I'd love to hear Jola's take on that clip. I had a dream you were driving a large tour bus with me and my belly dancing friends around the Blue Ridge Pkwy. I was terrified as that lumbering bus got close to the edges of the mountains and kept wondering where did you learn to drive a tour bus? I hope the leaves are beautiful for you and you get nice pics. I wish I could join(t) you! boss is a complete whacko psycho pain in the ass. Better get a gas tester thing-ey and make sure you don't have a leak. Aren't dogs supposed to be good at detecting gas leaks?

Anonymous said...

The Polish people are remarkable in their resilience. Walesa is a patriot and a good union man, too.

Any of your compatriots going to write you in?

Our mountains are usually best around the 17th-25th.

Mark said...

From what I understand there are mixed feelings for him in Poland.

I like your dream. Made me laugh.

I wish you could join(t)me.

I think I can convince my neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was for my nation a long road leading to democracy and freedom. Wałęsa had been really brave trade unionist since 1970, however in 1980 he had also wise and well-educated advisers like Jacek Kuroń or Bronisław Geremek.
I haven't suspect that Polish events are still so popular and well known in U. S. Social movement SOLIDARITY is my youth and it will be always my favourite symbol of freedom. Thanks very much for your post, Mark.

Mark said...

Ah, he is very popular with many who follow such events.

He has been on the news here quite a bit recently as the Occupy movement grows.

It will be good for the young people in the movement to find out who he is.