Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Poison Apple

Another sign from  Saturday. Like the placement of the apple, nice touch.
Protest at the Bank of America downtown at 4 p.m. today.

Sore throat and the beginnings of a cold. Yea.

I bought some cheap dog food the other day, I usually buy her very good dry food, it makes her poo green.
Umm, me thinks that not be a good thing.

80 yesterday and today. Lovely.

Gotta run.



Anonymous said...

JC don't have another event planned until January 15.

Green! Her liver is in revolt!

Tammy said...

If i get another pet, well shoot me firstly. but I'd consider making my own dog/cat food. It isn't too hard to do and ultimately is cheaper and better for them. I've done some research about it. Doesn't your best friend deserve better than cheap dog food? Can I protest BOA if they hold my mortgage and accounts?

Mark said...

Hell by Jan 15th we will have created a new country.

Yes I feel guilty about buying nasty food.

Move your accounts to a small local bank or credit union.
BOA is the worst bank in America.
Hopefully they fail, soon.