Thursday, July 7, 2011


We are now in a rainy pattern. Good thunderstorms everyday for the past several days.

I had clothes outside drying. They never get a chance to dry before the next rain storm.

A grizzly killed a man at Yellowstone. Maybe he was pissed about the Exxon oil spill in the Yellowstone River.

I think I am going to take my last two days of vacation over labor day and have a mini vacation. I need one.

Time for a shower.


Tammy said...

So you'll have to set up a makeshift clothesline in your garage for those rainy days. you can aim a floor fan at them if you are in a hurry! less bird poop too. So maybe you are thinking of goinng to France w/ your brother NEXT year? I think that would be so cool! especially to go with somebody who can speak the language and knows the lay of the land. I'll bet Summer doesn't like the rain storms. maybe next year you can plant a pumpkin seed and see what happens. My peppers are growing very well this year.

Mark said...

Something will have to be done in the garage for sure.

I am pretty sure Brian and Isobel are going and I know I can tag along. I'd love to go.

Summer does not like thunderstorms at all. She wants to near me which is fine for the most part. She needs her daddy.

My cayanne peppers are growing like crazy. Many many green maters.
I'll have a ton of them to eat very.