Monday, July 25, 2011

Deer Summer

Mike and I saw these guys back in the late 80's in Ct. and then once in Tampa. They were a fun band to see.

Summer saw her first deer on Sunday. I took her for a ride and stopped at big soccer field to walk her around. I saw three deer on the other side of a fence. A doe was watching us. Summer finally saw them and wanted to go run after them. They bolted and Summer wanted to go after them. Crazy old girl.

I am going to paint most of the living room walls yellow and the wall behind the couch will be green. I think I may paint the bookshelves green also. The ceiling will be white and there is plenty of white trim. Then I need to decide how to cover the windows and doors so I can block the views from the outside. The walls will then be able to decorated with pictures, art and other things to occupy your mind.

I have two days of my five days of vacation left. I think I am going to take them both Labor Day weekend. I need some time off. Getting burnt out.

Is it Friday yet??????????????????????????????????


Anonymous said...

Another band i hadn't heard of; good stuff.
Summer was feeling her hunter instincts; she is a wolf in disguise.
You are going to be modern/retro-hippie with your decorating. Yep, make it personal.

Mark said...

They were a fun band to see. Good party band from Boston.

I want vibrante colors. It livens up the place.