Friday, April 29, 2011

Thankfully Friday

Fuck me. The oil compamies are screwing us. Here some first quarter profits. Exxon-Mobil 11 billion, Shell 6 billion and BP 7 billion. Yep, thats taking care of the rich and and screwing the rest.

The war of rich vs poor is on and the poor are losing round 1.

The weather here Wednesday night took a toll on some of the plants I planted. Several got swamped by the massive downpours and have joined the world of the dead.

A very busy and brutal week at work.

Big doings this weekend. Gibsonville car show and spring fling downtown tomorrow. Some huge yard sales in some of the big subdivisions near here. Time to find some things for the yard and house. Ladders, tools, lawnmower and furniture for the porch. Lots of quarters to spend. Plants to go in the ground and leaves to rake.

Have fun and don't use any oil.


Anonymous said...

No one seems interested in doing anything about high gas prices.

Too bad about the garden being swamped; just typical April.

Hope you find some good stuff you can use and have some fun, too.

Mark said...

Gas prices suck.