Monday, April 11, 2011


Waste of a weekend. Crappy weather until yesterday at around 3 when the sun came out. Lots of rain, lightning and fog. Did not reach the 60's Saturday.

So with crap weather I painted the ceiling in the dining with ultra white flat ceiling paint. Hate it. The ceiling needs some help from crap repair and the flat paint looks like shit. Maybe a satin finish?

Painted half the dining room with an blue, bright blue and I hate it.

Back to square one here. Shit Shit Shit. Now I have no idea what color to use.

Oh well, such is life.


Tammy said...

Rome wasn't built in a day. I feel your frustration and know it will pass. Plant some seeds, it will make you feel better. I love my new floor. Mike said sodering probably would not hold steel RR ties and thinks leather would be a good bet, wet leather. off to the races. hope your week is ok.

Anonymous said...

In time, you will overcome the obstacles. When you decide to get married, painting and decorating problems will become moot for you; all you have to do is nod occasionally as she does it her way and it will really look great.

Too bad about your weekend weather, we are having it too hot if anything but there is plenty of rain to go along with it.

Mark said...

I may just keep the blue for now and deal with it. It is better than the current crappy wall color and hack paint job.

A wife is the next project.