Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Murdering Holly with a side of Crown of Thorns

See all those leaves in the garden beds. They are gone. The leaves along one side of the house are all gone as are Several holly bushes and some type of prickers with insanely long thorns. That bush covered the mail box and was surely there to piss off the mailman. I trimmed that waaaay back and painted the mailbox post white.
I have some pictures  looking down the driveway to the guest house and it makes a huge difference.

I also eliminated bricks and stone and pressure treated woods and rebar and other crap that was in the yard.
My dad also cut out some rotten wood and used a bondo type material and repaired that wood. Nice job.

I guess we  had bad weather last night. Seems I slept through the worst of it.

Congrats to the UConn mens team. Not a great game, but they are the champs and that is all that counts.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are committing hate crimes against sticky bushes. Son, you need guidance; have you spoken with Lord Buddha lately?

The deceased thorny bushes may have been barberry; I like them and fortunately they grow in the wild around here.

Y'all seem to have accomplished much; almost time to put some of the garden in the ground. Did you say you have an Old Farmer's Almanac? It is a decent guide as to when to plant, but the county agriculture extension office is best for finding about when and what to plant.

Tammy said...

I always find it fun to move into a new place and conquer it. The Almanac may be a good place to go for the planting for sure. I find each place I live in is different as far as planting goes. Trial and error and good soil is how I roll. I can't wait to see this exact photo in mid summer to see the stark changes!!! sunflowers, om om om....

Mark said...

No sticky bushes allowed.

No conversations with Lord Buddha.
I have fallen.

I do not have the Farmers Almanac, yet. Guess I'll pick one up.

It is nice coming home to my house.
The soil here is very good. Nice and dark, looks rich.

Of course there will be sunflowers.

Om and Lord Buddha will be my saviors.