Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Madness

Did you pay your taxes? I bet you did unlike the following wholesome American companies. Now they did everything all quite legally with the help of their government friends. These corporations get all these breaks and we are going to get Scial Security, Medicaid, Medicare and other social programs cut. Pay your share.

We spend 20% of our budget on defense. If you have to spend that much on defense are you really safe.

More and more we are beginning to fit the term of a facist state. Really, look at the definition.

Rowdy Rowdy storms through here Saturday. Tornado's must have been on the verge. The temps were decent in the morning but shortly after noon the humidity went way way up. Then thunder and wind and heavy rain. Very close to tornadic activity. I saw trees doing major bending and swaying and rain in buckets. No damage here.


Anonymous said...

Excellent video and band.

If you consider how much we pay out in foreign aid just to keep pip-squeak countries supposedly on our side during possible conflicts, I bet the defense budget more than doubles.

Glad you were able to ride out the storms; each spring seems worse anymore.

Mark said...

I heard these on WNCW the other day.

We need to rethink our defense plans they are costing too much money and lives.

Global warming.