Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Say What

We are having a meeting this morning because our boss is unhappy because she works 80 hours a week while people like me work virtually no overtime. I think I'll keep my views to myself during the meeting.
But if you do not want to give up some control then you reap what you sow.

Going to get a garden rake and other garden tools today and prepare the garden for planting.

150 years ago today the Civil War started. We still have not recovered.

Pollen high, resistance low.

Time for breakfast and then take the wrinkles out of a shirt left hung out to dry.


Anonymous said...

Good luck holding yourself back in the boss meeting.

Garden tools are dangerous and better left to women to operate; they have patience.

I like the #17 sea horse.

Mark said...

She did not have the meeting. Thankfully.

I picked up a hoe.

Thanks on the sea horse.