Thursday, April 14, 2011

Budget this.............

It is going to be interesting too see where the budget mess goes. When you look and listen to all the numbers getting thrown around you see our leaders are full of poo. The only way too really cut the budget is to do in the budget each year ant not spread it out of many years. It will never happen when you spread it out.

Cut the military budget, raise taxes, close tax loopholes. If you are an American corporation you need to pay your fair share of taxes. If you move your headquarters overseas to avoid taxes then you get NO tax breaks at all. Since they no longer give raises to employees they can use that money to fix America's budget problem.

The military budget could get cut by 1/3 and we would still have enough to run the worlds affairs as someone sees fit. Close bases and stop spending insane dollars on new toys. Hell we could use Wal-Marts buyers to buy the things we need. They know how to drive the cost of things down.

Peace not War.


Anonymous said...

My dad once had a Do ge pickup with that ugly body style; good truck.

I still think a flat rate tax will work; one with no exceptions.

Mark said...

I'd love to see a flat tax. The battles to get that passed would be quite something.

I like the big eyes on the Do ge.