Sunday, November 28, 2010

What is it good for?

Thanksgiving:  Boring

Friday: Boring. Did get some Xmas shopping done at a small local store.

Saturday: Boring. Did get a couple more things at a small local store.

Sunday: Boring. Cold this morning. Headache in the afternoon. Oh wait Wikileaks happened.

Wow Julian, you stirred up a shit storm this time. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Now the U.S. government may be really pissed at you. Please make sure you are hiding real well or you may end up going on a vacation in Cuba.
Wonder who is behind the denial of service?

Really I am quite glad to see these get posted. Not that I am surprised by anything I have seen, but I suspect many others will be. It really just confirms the sleazy nature of politics, politicians and governments around the world. Oh sure there will be embarrassing details and damaging news to come out of this and it will most likely drive many government decisions further into the recess of transparency.

If we acted more like a kind brother or sister instead of a bully we may find that thimgs would work much better for us the rest of the world.

Of course this will not happen as long as we continue to vote for the same fucking sleazebags time and time again.



Anonymous said...

I'm Glad the leaks were made; stupid people should know there is always the possibility of leaks. This nation is as about as secure as Houdini's trunk.

Obama plans to help the economy by freezing wages. He has bought into the Republican T-Bag propaganda 100%. What a fool.

Mark said...

It is rather amazing how so much was able to downloaded by this guy. Got to wonder what the real pros who do this are able to hack into.

Obama has no balls.