Tuesday, November 23, 2010

They are full of s...

So the news story over the last week is about those stupid scans and pat downs at the airport. Yes I think they we have gone too far. Taking off your belt and shoes is also just plain dumb.

The thing is the same people who are raising their collective voices are not complaining that you have give a urine sample to get a job. That you have to take a test, an honesty test, to get a job. They are not complaining about the fact that we are putting cameras all over the country so everything we do is filmed in the name of security.They are not complaining that everything we do in our daily lives is monitored by somebody someplace and that information is stored for us against us in some way, harmful or not.

Doesn't it seem odd that most of the people making the most noise on this issue are the people who preach the politics of fear everyday and it is not the people on the left who are raising their concern..
Be careful about who is raising the issue because the hidden agenda behind may be worse than the product they are bitching about.

If they are concerned about the scanners and pat downs then they should be concerned about drug testing for a job, cameras everywhere you go, the use of your credit report to get a job and a whole host of other issues that invade our privacy on a daily basis. No issues with any of those items then shut the fuck and go get scanned and let them touch your junk.

We the sheeple of The United States of Paranoia must push back against all these intrusions as a whole, but we won't. We are being pushed down a path into the universe of George Orwell.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could put my finger on just one main reason we have become so complacent but I have no realistic idea. I do think the roots go all the way back to WW2 or maybe even the Great Depression.

Good post, Mark.

Tammy said...

It seems to me that with as hard as a family has to work to make ends meet there has been a loss of time for many things... Time to be more aware of our neighbors, government, and environment. Time to have a meal every night at the table, time to craft, cook, garden, build things, sew, read, or play games with our kids and each other. I think this time restraint has made us more self-centered and thusly we don't really care about much except what is going on in our own circle. Also I think the TV is to blame for some of this deterioration.