Saturday, August 9, 2008

They are playing us as suckers

So I am watching the Olympics and during the latest commercial break, of which there are too many, and Exxon-Mobil put this nice B.S. commercial out. They are touting how great they are because they are giving out nets and medicine in Africa to help combat malaria. Now I applaud them for doing that. However they are not being altruistic. The commercial is nothing more than a feeble attempt to throw us off and make us forget how much money they are raking in and how much they are really not giving back. Nice try but it is not working.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only corporate America brags about charity. When you as an individual donate a few bucks to the Salvation Army or whomever, do you send out a press release telling how benevolent you are, or run up and down the street yelling to anyone whom will listen!

The sorry fact of the matter is that many people believe some of their gas-pump money is being spent on good causes. You can bet your ass the cost of producing and airing the commercial was much more than any "charity" given.