Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Gutter Journalism

How come a major publisher like Simon and Schuster publishes a book of shit about a presidential candidate? Is their agenda just about money? I am talking about Jerome Corsi's book about Obama. The Obama campaign better push back hard and make this guy squirm.
Are people ready so stupid they will actually believe this type of crap. As a matter of fact if I was part of the Obama campaign I would literally drive this guy's reputation into the ground. We do not need assholes like this fucking up our presidential campaign. The candidates can do that by themselves just fine.

I hate scumbag journalists. This guy qualifies.


Anonymous said...

Simon and Schuster is owned by CBS, so corporate profit is the big deal.
I wish Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather were president and vice-president.

Mark said...

Can Jerrry Garcia be the Secretary of Fun?