Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dumb Politicians and Corporate Thieves

Florida is going to hell.

1. We are going to have an amendment on the ballot in November that if passes will cut property taxes by 25% to 40%. Sounds good, right. However that money, 8.2 billion dollars this year, is what we use to fund our education system. There is no current plan in place as to how we are going to replace those education dollars. The amendment only requires that the state legislature finds a way to do this. How can you vote for a plan when you do not know where the missing money will come from. You know full well it will some form of tax.

Who is supporting the amendment? Why it is the "Florida Association of Realtors" and our lightweight governor Charlie Christ. Follow the money trail.

2. State Farm wants to be able to raise insurance rates by an average of 47%, despite making $5.5 billion in profits last year and $5.3 billion in 2006. They have been screwing the people of Florida since the hurricanes of 2004. Follow the money trail.

3. Our local energy company Tampa Electric, part of TECO Energy, wants to raise our rates by 31%. By the way they just posted a $51.4 million dollar profit for the second quarter. Follow the money trail.

So now Floriduh will produce more ignorant kids, steal money from my pocket to give to big corporations and will wonder why people are leaving the state in droves. Long time residents are leaving and new people moving in is at a 30 year low.

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