Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Crime in Hartford, Ct.

Since I grew up in Ct. and have family in Ct. I like to keep tabs on what is happening there. So what do I notice is going on in the capital of Ct. Tons and tons of crime. This past weekend there were 11 shootings and one death. There have been 110 shootings, at least reported shootings, this year. Now they are going to enforce a curfew between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. for anyone under 18. A law that has been on the books but not being enforced. Its about time. Now to be fair I really am against these type of laws, however Hartford has been a crime ridden city for many years and nothing has been done about it. They are going to enforce this for 30 days. How about until you can safely walk down the streets of the capital city. Maybe you need to dip into the coffers and hire more police officers. There is no nightlife in Hartford because people are afraid to be out late. Business will not invest in the city if they can not get people to the restaurants, clubs, art galleries, theaters and so on. They keep on trying all types or revitalization projects and they always fail. If the city is not safe people will not come. Plain and simple. If your city is not safe please suck it up and hire enough law enforcement so the dirt bags either end up in jail, clean up their act or move on. You can always send them to Detroit.

Hartford has been a dump for at least 30 years. Get your shit together.

If you want to visit a nice town in Ct. go the little town of Chester. You will be pleased.


Anonymous said...

In the 80's our once progressive little city decided to give up its worldly ways and attract retirees from up north and Florida. Low crime, low wages, low taxes, and some of the poorest educated people in the nation are in and around our area. Now, all the manufacturing jobs have left because of the aging workforce.

Sometimes I wish crime would pick up a bit and stop the inflow of moneyed retirees. Of course if crime does get worse, I will be one of the first victims!

Mark said...

LOL, you kill me. Why will you be one of the first?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I get what I wish for.
I've never been a victim of a serious crime (close though), so my number will most likely come up in any new crime wave. And you thought you were a pessimist!

I suppose cities are like its citizens, mostly lethargic and figure any change is always for the bad. You and I have to bark at the moon to keep people on their toes.

Anonymous said...

The Detroit crack was a little uncalled for.