Monday, July 30, 2012


the more you listen to obama and romney the more i see things leading to a troublesome situation with iran. without some real and serious negotiations there is a bad outcome heading in that direction. that has the potential to cause a wide spread war in the middle east. i still do not understand the wide spread support for israel except for guilt over wwi and christian philosophy.

taking friday off so this will be a short week.

slept crappy last night.

what the hell is the deal with the republicans saying the government is being taken over by radical muslims.
is this the new "red scare"?


Anonymous said...

US wants that big and final showdown with Russia. China will be the big winner. Israel has always known what it was up against and it should be ready to stand up for itself without outside help.
Republicans are again stirring up the "Obama is a Muslim" scare tactic.

Mark said...

I see a new war in a=our near future.