Thursday, July 19, 2012


After I stopped at the pet store last night the truck barely wanted to run. I think I need to get the fuel filter replaced. Have to limp it to a garage today and see if that is the problem. Like I need to have another expense these days. Hopefully that is the problem and it is nothing major.

Summer has fleas. The Frontline is not working. Seems fleas are bad this year. I hear Dawn does a good job at getting rid of fleas.We shall see.

Well the hot and humid days of summer have settled in. Looks like we are hot for the next week, maybe a rainy day Saturday.

Ebooks are now outselling hardcover in many areas.

Finally getting peppers and maters from the garden.

Think I'll have some toast. See you later.


Tammy said...

cedar for natural flea control. Cedarcide is a company that I have purchased cedar oil and pet products from in the past. She will smell like a hamster but maybe it is a good alternative for your flea control. what kind of peppers? are you mixing them w/ onions and taters for a yummy breakfast hash over eggs?

Anonymous said...

Too bad about your Explorer; our Escape has an appointment at the shop Monday for diagnosis of the same problem we had last winter--missing and jerking along. $60 to put it on the computer. Probably coil-pack(s).

Good that the garden is producing.

Mark said...

Summer as a big hamster is pretty funny. Wonder if she will like running in the wheel.

The peppers are chile peppers. Coming in pretty good right now.
Had not thought of them with eggs. Maybe Sunday morning.

Got lucky with the truck. $30 to have the fuel filter replaced and it seems to have worked. YEA.