Monday, May 14, 2012

Let the fun begin

Watch Chicago later this week as NATO meets in Chicago.There are many protests planned and Rahm Emanuel has tried to shut a big one down after the city had approved it. He said the protest was too getting to big. He lost that battle in court. You gotta wonder if he has heard of free speech.

You have to wonder how large protests and the city of Chicago as going to get along. something tells me things will not go well.

Did you know hospital emergency rooms run credit checks before they admit you........

Lots of rain last night and a lot more over the next few days. Garden will like it.

Here is a good story.

​ George Lucas has long wanted to build a massive studio complex on his posh property near San Francisco, but has been foiled by his Marin County neighbors for 25 years, even as subdivisions have gone up around him. Now he's fighting fire with fire, giving up on his dream and instead building low-income housing on the property. We know -- it's pretty sweet. In the exquisitely titled article, "George Lucas Does Something Likeable For a Change," Peter Hall nails it: "If there's one thing rich people will hate more than having movie magic made in their backyard, it's poor people moving in." That the second Star Wars trilogy, or ... you get the point, but bully for Lucas here
Umm, it's Monday. Have a nice week.


Tammy said...

I wish there was more of your style of patriotism; it is infectious, unapologetic and deeply committed to the people of this country, the land we walk on, the critters who share it with us and the air we breathe. rock on markie. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see another Chicago '68.

Lucas pissed me off with Star Wars I-II-III but if he can piss off his rich neighbors, I will forgive him.

Public speaking is easy after the first speech, and it is a chic magnet too boot.

Mark said...

I just do not understand how we care so little for our fellow citizens unless some natural disaster strikes their town. Hell I do not like a lot of people but that sure as hell does not mean we should shove them to the bottom of the scrap heap.

We talk about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and while I do think that is true to some extent corporate America does nothing to help this by keeping wages stagnate, not hiring people, by making healthcare unaffordable and so on.

Why is there so much regulation on business. Because if there wasn't we would all be working for no wages, slave labor and the environment would be far worse than it is already. For them it only about money and has nothing to do with corporate responsibility.

I would love to see Chicago descend into mass chaos and anarchy. I think it is just what we may need.

I find the Lucas thing rather funny. Money mad at money.

Hmm on the public speaking.