Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bigots for North Carolina

If you thought North Carolina was not part of the south the amendment passing last night proved you wrong.
We are a sad country when bigots still try to rule us. Let the lawsuits begin and march to the Supreme court where the bigots will lose.

Last night I was outside and Summer was sniffing in some ground cover when a rabbit came flying out of the bushes. Of course she went crazy and then went back to where she was sniffing like crazy. He nose was covered with rabbit fur. When I went over to investigate I a newborn bunny crawling around. They are hairless and blind. Summer was going ballistic. I picked the bunny up and put it back in the den. I'll have to move Summer's chain or the rabbit is going to be gone. Hopefully it survives. The mother will go back to the den.
The internet told me so.

My nephew is back in Connecticut. I think he is done with California.


Tammy said...

Summer has the bunny scent for sure. I like the message today. We should talk this week about the boy. So glad to hear he is amongst his family again. Work is the worst it has ever been. I can't understand why my boss is so lame and deceitful.

Mark said...

from what I found on the web dogs finding rabbit dens is not all that uncommon.

He is staying at my parents house and is talking about going in the Coast Guard. Go figure.

Work. Uggghhh.