Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Your Day

You take and take and take
Your day will come

Laugh at us and smile
Your day will come

Corner us like an animal
Your day will come

You steal from us
Your day will come

You have forgotten us
Your day is coming

We are not invisible
Your day is coming

We are rising up
Your day is coming

Beware, we are here to rise up
We are here and your day is close at hand

Beware your day is coming


Anonymous said...

Eloquently expressed. I can see the fear in the eyes of those cornered.

Anonymous said...

Good words well said.

With this new bailout of every bank and lender in the country, our leaders have reached a new low. In my opinion, this is treason against the taxpaying public. And no guarantees it will work. If they pass new regulation laws, it will only be posturing for the election.

Mark said...

I see the fear also. But the people with the most fear already have nothing or very little and do not want to "step out of line".

We are getting the shaft on the bailout. The rich still make out and the rest of us get poorer.
Even if it does work what does the average American gain from it, nothing but more taxes.

Remember that this crisis was started by greedy bankers and citizens who took advantage of stupid mortgage loans. Since Congress has made it much harder for the average citizen to file bankruptcy why do now now dole out all this money to save the banks from financial ruin.