Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stop the Bullshit

So instead of discussing the issues all we hear is crap about "pig lipstick".
This is not an issue and never will be.

The issues are: education, economics, war and peace, technology, health care, poverty, repairing our infrastructure, diplomacy, the emerging cold war.

You need to talk about the issues only. No more crap. This "pigstick' garbage falls right into McCain and the Republicans whole strategy. The less they have to actually talk about real issues the better off they are. The Dems better wake up and start pushing issues hard and fast. Start using all the millions of dollars for tv ads that point out the real issues and differences between the parties.

And why the F*** is there a Sarah Palin doll? Give me a fucking break.

Now we have Russia with two bombers visiting Uncle Hugo for some war games. Just what we need in our backyard.

And now Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia, wants our ambassador kicked out of the country because the Bolivian government suspects the U.S. is behind the demonstrations in the oil rich eastern parts of the country. Is he right, who knows. Our reputation for being on the wrong side of things in South America is well documented. We would do well to work with Morales and help his gov't out. This would weaken his ties with Chavez and gain us some respect amongst the average Bolivian citizen.

Just some thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Did you see Kieth Olbermann's chastising of McCain and the use of 9/11 as an election prop?

Real issues no longer mean anything for either party. Lies, innuendos, mud slinging; that is modern politics. I see no turning back to real issues when the public has been trained to accept this garbage as issues.

Mark said...

Well now that about says it all. I could not agree more on the 911 tm
statement. I was listening to a portion of Talk of the Nation today about 911. The talk centered around how much we talk or do not talk about it. It was interesting and the 911 tm that Olbermann brings up is pretty much my thoughts. The day has been hijacked and turned into a commodity by way too many people and the real meaning has been lost.

It is a disservice to all who where lost that day.