Sunday, September 14, 2008

Its a money grab

So we get all this hype about the Hurricane Ike bringing the end of the world or something close to it and the rest of America gets screwed on gasoline prices. I cry foul. I got gas Friday evening at the cheapest place around for $3.54 a gallon and now today it is $3.69. Its a damm money grab. These places already have that gasoline in the tanks and have payed for it, now they are over charging us for it. What the heck it that. We know Ike did not bring the end of the world and we sure as heck do not know what damage, if any, it did to the oil rigs and refineries yet we the American public are getting screwed by big oil. Why do we put up with crap? End the oil companies subsidies. Give that money out in grants to people who are actually working on real energy solutions.

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