Saturday, September 20, 2008


So now that I own AIG will I be getting a stock certificate.

So now that I will be paying for poor bank management and poor financial decisions by home owners who did not deserve the mortgage in the first place can I have my choice of home to move into when they fail to pay their mortgage this time.

So now that we are going in debt to the tune of one trillion dollars what do I get for that. Higher tax bills and a smaller paycheck.

So now that all this has happened will the price of homes, cars, food, gasoline and all the things we need to live our lives drop. No. Nothing accomplished.

I keep hearing all the financial pundits on tv saying the economy will straighten out when homes start to sell again. They think this will happen soon. Well I have news flash. Homes prices are still way to high, overpriced, overvalued, pick your term. If home prices do not drastically drop and banks now fresh with cash start lending like crazy again we will be in the same situation with the real estate market we are in today. If banks do not start lending cash to people to buy homes then what have we done to our economy. Prices on homes across the U.S. need to drop another 10-20 percent before they can find a home that they will be able to afford. We are losing jobs, prices are on the rise and paychecks are not rising so how are we to live better than our parents.
Someone please tell me.

We are getting the shaft by the gov't and the financial world and we sit around and do nothing.
No matter what people say we are to fat and happy no matter happens. We need some good old fashion protesting like what happened in the late sixties and early seventies to wake the country up. Those protests brought about civil rights changes and brought the soldiers home from Vietnam. Those protests were started by people who many thought were "radicals", but they changed the thoughts of many mainstream Americans. It is that time again. The gov't needs to remember the country is "We the People". They do not remember that anymore and are ruining our country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you; our rulers should have let the financial markets get out of their self-made mess the best way they can and on their own. Watch for a lot of top executives to grab a bunch of this giveaway money along with their golden umbrellas and at least temporarily "retire".

As for organized 60's type protests: A lot of things had to come together at the same time for those protests to accomplish a purpose. It is true that many of the same and similar conditions are ruining us now, but there is one thing we no longer have; young and spoiled middle-class baby boomers. Just a few of them were able to change the entire world. We are a much older nation and filled with instilled fear, so we will mostly mumble and grumble, and I can't see anyone protesting with enough vigor to make a difference.

The only protest that will work is to keep turning these jerks out of office until they see we mean business. I hope we haven't waited too late to get it done.