Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I have been wrong

After all these years I just found out I was wrong. Sarah Palin just told me that God and patriotism are the exclusive property of the the Republican party. How silly of me to think that God and patriotism belonged to all AMERICANS. Now I have to switch and become a Republican.

Not really. Those parts of the speech were strong and did exactly what they were supposed to do. Brainwash the base.

The whole POW thing this week is a little much for me. The Dems need to push back on this before it gains some traction.

She did give a very good speech and this is exactly what the republicans were looking for. I would say that she brought home a winning speech for her team.

I expect the money will start rolling in big time. The Obama bump from his convention will be gone in a day or two. Now we get down to real race. The debates should be fun.

Barak and Biden need to ratchet up the rhetoric real quick. The Republicans hit hard tonight and we need to punch back, now.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I didn't listen to her spiel; it was written by some speechwriters anyway.

A year ago, whom would have thought that the Republicans would even have a chance in this election?

Obama and his handlers better get McCain tied in an inseparable knot with Bush. They have to re-convince the public that McCain will be another four years of Bush.