Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Whatever you say John

What a big load of garbage McMoron came out with today. Please keep your campaign suspended. It is a nice trick you are attempting to pull here but we see right through it. Since you have been losing traction with your economic policies you have decided to grandstand and show are a leader by going to Washington and sticking your nose into the bailout mess. Please do this. Most Americans do not want this package and we gladly encourage you to help pass this bad deal. Thanks for making things easier for Obama.

Now you want to cancel the debate. You have got to be kidding me. What the hell is that all about? Are you afraid of Obama or afraid that your answers during the debate will make you look like a fool. If there ever was a need for you to be able to get your ideas out to the American public now would be the time. You would have the attention of America, we are watching, we are listening and we are seeing who will emerge as the most viable candidate. By attempting to cancel the debate you look like a fool. The other thing with your debate mess is it would delay the vice presidential debate for a week or more. Is this your attempt to give Ms. Sarah more time to brush up on what is going on in the world? No, you would not do that

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His handlers know that a debate right now would be super-detrimental to his campaign. He wants to wait until a settlement in the giveaway is reached, and claim it as his own or tell us how hard he fought against it.

Sarah says we could easily go into another "Great Depression". Hell, I'm already so depressed over this shit I'm having to take sleeping pills at night.