Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fuck you Time Warner

Some of you may consider this song vile. You have been warned. :0

Mother Fucking Time Warner is really pissing me off. Consistently having issues with my HD channels not being available and the cable barely working and pathetically slow or inoperable download speeds. Not fucking acceptable in any way shape or form. What the fuck year is it? You would think these assholes would be able to provide a decent connection to the internet. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!

Really did not do much this weekend. Went to the Tate Street Fest with "World Can't Wait", we were selling, err taking donations, for the bumper stickers and buttons we have. $1 per sticker or button. They are all political in nature and go over quite well with the crowds that tend to go to music and art events.

I am going to go now since I can not even get to the info I wanted to look up on the web.


Tammy said...

that is an eye opener for Monday a.m. Never heard that song before. When football season is over we will be canceling cable. netflicks/quickflicks here we come. Kids came home this weekend. Cody spent all weekend w/ his girlfriend but Tia spent the entire 2 days shadowing her mamma bird. We made soap and lotion. yeah, I'm almost ready for grandkids. They call it stormy Monday, but Tuesday's just the same.

Anonymous said...

Good lyrics and monster music. Change Time Warner to Comcast and you have the situation on our side of the hills. I have nothing for tv but Netflix streaming movies, and man, do those titles mostly suck. If not for old westerns fro Carolyn and documentaries for me, I wouldn't bother with the service. I get one over the air channel (god help me; it is Fox) and that should be enough tv for anyone.

Mark said...

Yes that song is all bit of an eye opener for Monday morning.

I suggest you check out what Netflix has streaming before you make the change. They have a very limited selection right now.

Glad the kids were home, Gram.

Cable and internet providers in the U.S. are pathetic. We should be ashamed but most folks do not realize what Japan and Europe have compared to us.

At least with Fox you have football.